Restoration and Project Timeline
Year One
Obtain State Historic Status
1. Building must be nominated. (Completed)
2. Building must be deemed eligible (Completed)
3. Detailed application process has begun with documented research into the building's history, and the Chambers family, including Walter Broughton Chambers, the brother and the architect. A historic architect has been brought in to examine the mansion in its curent condition with a restoration estimate of 10-13 million dollars
4. Organize community support for "in-kind" donations of volunteer time, now. A monetary amount can be assigned to each volunteer hour and used against matching funds for grants. It also shows the community is behind the project in grant applications.
5. Patch holes in the roof now before there is any further damage. Holes can be reached from the interior third story attic which is completely floored.
6. Clean up the interior debris covering the floors.
7. Divider walls that were put up, need to come down.
8. Submit the State Historic Application in the Spring of 2025
9. Obtain registration as a state historic site.
10. Have the 1* large grant application ready when the historic registration is approved and immediately submit it [due no later than August 2025] to replace the roof.
Year Two
1. Replace the roof
2. File for National Historic Registration
3. Once approved apply for National Historic Registry Grants
Years Three - Five
1. Restoration of the Mansion
Years Five - Ten
1. Restore the grounds, put back the fountain in front of the house and turn the area into a beautiful public park for the community to enjoy.
2. Begin work to replace the northwest wing that was removed.